I just wanted to share what a wonderful success we, Team Jake Elston had at selling t-shirts to raise awareness and how it became a great way to support Team Sanfilippo financially as well. We are teachers, friends and family of Jake Elston… 53 t-shirts were sold (which brought $380 in contributions) and three other individuals gave additionally ($220) for Team Sanfilippo; totaling $600 in donations/contributions-through two checks recently sent as well as an online donation.
Above is a recent picture of Jake Elston in his new classroom at LEE Elementary and the a picture of the
t-shirts we sold.
These are some of the folks who are currently working with Jake and are a part of Team Jake and the recent t-shirt sales to raise awareness. Thank you from Team Sanfilippo for being such a great support to Jake, his family and the Sanfilippo community! It speaks volumes about your character and how much you care!
These are some of the shirts we wear and sold!